Analyst consensus
The analyst consensus data below is compiled and updated by Ocado Group on a periodic basis. It represents a summary of the forecasts made by sell side investment analysts who provide their own research analyses and earnings estimates in respect of Ocado. The table below is based on a 52 week view.
£m | Median | High | Low | |
Revenue | Ocado Retail | 2,563 | 2,626 | 2,551 |
Ocado Logistics | 702 | 720 | 662 | |
Technology Solutions | 494 | 542 | 461 | |
Eliminations | (707) | (667) | (753) | |
Group | 3,048 | 3,155 | 2,990 | |
Adjusted EBITDA | Ocado Retail | 34 | 48 | 31 |
Ocado Logistics | 30 | 34 | 27 | |
Technology Solutions | 75 | 111 | 49 | |
Group | 142 | 184 | 105 | |
The forecasts are prepared by the sell side analysts and provided to Ocado Group. The consensus data is presented by Ocado Group for information only. Ocado Group does not endorse or express any view on any forecasts or information provided. Ocado Group does not publish guidance or forecasts for these measures of financial performance.
Although Ocado will endeavour to procure that the information is kept updated, Ocado assumes no obligation to update or revise such information to reflect circumstances existing after the date hereof. It should be noted that forecasts are by definition forward looking and are therefore subject to risks and uncertainties that may materially affect eventual results. Ocado Group does not accept any liability for reliance upon, or actions taken based on, any of the information set out in this consensus data.
In order for the consensus to accurately reflect the current views of the analyst community, we reserve the right to exclude any forecast which is not current. This is defined as those forecasts which do not reflect any commentary or guidance reported by management within 30 days of the most recent results announcement.
Last updated on 27/09/24
The following analysts provide research coverage on Ocado:
Bank of America - changing coverage
Barclays - Sarah Roberts
Bernstein - William Woods
BNP Exane - changing coverage
Deutsche Bank Numis - Tintin Stormont
Goldman Sachs - Richard Edwards
HSBC - Paul Rossington / Pankaj Agarwala
Jefferies - Giles Thorne
JP Morgan - Marcus Diebul
Morgan Stanley - Luke Holbrook
Peel Hunt - James Lockyer
RBC - Wassachon Udomsilpa
UBS - Sreedhar Mahamkali
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