Policies and Disclosures

Our sustainability policies cover the operations of Ocado Group, ensuring high standards of corporate governance. We embed these policies within our organisation through online training to create a safe, inclusive and ethical working environment.

Here you can view and download our policies, including our Modern Slavery Act Statement, Tax Strategy and Anti-Bribery Statement.

If you ever have any concerns, please contact our confidential whistleblowing line, Speak Up.

Financial Year End

Under the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018, Ocado Group plc and a number of its subsidiaries are required to produce a section 172 Statement each financial year in their Strategic Report.The purpose of the Statement is to explain how the Board of directors has had regard to the matters set out in section 172(1)(a) to (f) of the Companies Act 2006, in discharging their duties, to act in good faith and in a way that would be likely to promote the success of the company for the benefit of its shareholders.Ocado Group plc’s section 172 Statement can be found on pages 35 to 36 of Ocado Group plc’s 2023 Annual Report.

‍The section 172 Statements for those Ocado Group subsidiaries captured by the regulations are displayed below.

Related Content

Corporate Governance

Download our Corporate Governance documents and learn more about our policies and procedures.

2023 Annual Report

Our Annual Sustainability Report is integrated into our Corporate Accounts and can be found on pages 67-82.