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Google Groceries - Ocado launches new 'Search by Voice' Android Application | Ocado Group

April 13, 2010

Ocado, the green online supermarket, is making food shopping even more accessible by becoming the first grocer to launch an application on Google’s mobile phone operating system Android.

The Ocado On The Go Android ‘app’, available on 20 different mobile handsets bymanufacturers including Motorola, Samsung and Google (with its forthcoming Nexus One,) takes food shopping convenience to the next level thanks to the latest ‘search by voice’ technology.

Shoppers can access Ocado’s fully-stocked virtual aisles simply by using the sound of their voice. As they speak their selections the app pulls up a comprehensive list of all individual products in that range, allowing them to negotiate the weekly shopping basket quicker than ever before.

Users can shop for everything from food and drink to flowers, books and toys - Ocado’s range of over 21,000 products is stored locally on phone handsets so that users can keep shopping even when offline; their orders are automatically, and swiftly updated whenever an internet connection is made. The app also integrates with Ocado’s website for further flexibility.

Jason Gissing, co-founder of Ocado, explains: “Our continual motivation is to make food shopping as quick and painless as possible for customers; we’re thrilled to now be doing this via an innovative Android app.

“Last summer we were the first UK supermarket on the iPhone, and going live on Android is the next step of a revolutionary journey to be available across several digital platforms. Topdraw service and great value has never been so accessible – Android means many more shoppers being just a pocket away from great Tesco Price Matches, from handy hourly booking slots and from super-reliable kitchen table delivery. We’re really excited as to where we can go next.”

Ocado’s On The Go iPhone app has proved extremely successful since its launch last July. In February 2010, 4.4% of all Ocado orders were being placed or updated on it, equating to well over £15m of sales per annum.

The Android application is available to Android 1.6 users - find it by visiting the ‘Android Market’ on a compatible handset. The service (in test format) is available to customers from today, launching officially later this month.

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